Speech Script : Plagiarism in Scientific Work

Plagiarism in Scientific Work

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear Mr. Ahmad Juma Khatib as a lecturer in Public speaking courses, and also my friends who I am proud of.

Alhamdulillah. First of all, let us praise and be grateful for the presence of Allah SWT, because with His permission and gifts we can gather here to add our knowledge and insight as a provision for our future. Besides that, I would also like to thank my lecturers and friends who gave me this opportunity.

Friends, on this occasion I'm going to explain what is plagiarism, how dangerous the plagiarism and also how we can avoid plagiarism, so we aren't labeled as plagiarism. Because, as we know, plagiarism has recently begin spreading to all things, such as music, songs, choreography, prose, and of course scientific works is also included. We cannot regard the problem of plagiarism in the scientific work as a trivial problem, the problem of plagiarism must always be considered because plagiarism is an act that is not commendable.

So what is plagiarism? The term plagiarism comes from the Latin word "Plagiarus" which means kidnapper and "Plagiare" which means stealing. From the origin, Plagiarism means taking or using other people's ideas, words, or sentences without including the quoted source. So acknowledge the work of others as her/his own work. If according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, Plagiarism means stealing other people's ideas or words as their own or using someone else's work without crediting the source. In other words, plagiarism is a fraudulent act. This involves stealing other people's work and lying by saying or acknowledging that the work is purely her mine/his mine.

Plagiarism in scientific work often occurs when students are required to make a scientific work as a lecture assignment or as one of the important requirements to graduate from college. At that times plagiarisms occur and was found in their scientific work. As a student, it is not time to imitate previous writing, but make new writing as a result of the development from the previous writing.

Students can do plagiarism, of course, because there are several causes. The first cause is laziness. Sometimes students are lazy to read. Do not want to try to read a lot of thick books and also lazy to think, so students will look for the easiest way is to do plagiarism by copying the writings of others who do not necessarily understand. Even with a lot of reading, unconsciously can add to our own insights and knowledge. And also can train how our critical abilities in understanding, judging and analyzing for the purposes of our scientific work so that we can fully understand what we write as the result of our own thinking. The second reason is that students do not understand how to write the source cited because there must still be some students who do not yet understand. These things are encourage students to cheat when making scientific work.

Plagiarism in Indonesia may have long been entrenched. Whether intentional or unintentional, has been done a lot. Especially in the modern era like today, technology is increasingly facilitating plagiarism to occur, making this plagiarism even more dangerous. Students become increasingly lazy to read, then depend on someone else’s writings, not trying to make their own ideas, not believing in their own results, lie with others, underestimate the results of other people's hard work. Imagine if your process of writing is not easy, and requires a considerable amount of time. Then other people without permission and include yourself, copy your writing and acknowledge that your writing was made by him/herself. It Will hurt so much right, Your writing is not appreciated at all.

Then how do we avoid plagiarism? Actually, it's not too difficult to avoid plagiarism. There are several ways or rules for us not to be called plagiarism. The first (1) Don’t copy, not a good work if you copy word for word from any source. If we write word for word, the results will be exactly the same as the original. Of course, it will certainly be said as plagiarism. It would be better if we make a short version from the original writing by not forgetting to quote the beginning and the end of the quote, also accompanied by the source where the writing from which we quote it because this is the most important thing. Second (2) Write in your own words, to acknowledge that the writing is our own work, we can write it in our own words. Whether in language style or the choice of words, because everyone should be certain to make or arrange sentences will be different, not be the same, or it can be called paraphrasing, which is to compose their own sentences from the original sentence arrangement with not forgetting to write the source.

Third (3) Ask permission, If you use a table, image, or any type of data that has never been published at all but has been collected by someone, then you must ask permission when you want to use that data. Vice versa if you make your own table or image based on the data that has been collected by someone, then you also have to ask permission. Asking permission first is highly recommended because it is more polite and appreciative. Fourth (4) Add value, don't use or write all the information that you get. Take points or important topics then add to the knowledge or insight that you have. So that it can indicate that you understand what you are talking about.

That way can protect us from plagiarism. A good result certainly goes through a good process too. Something that is produced or made with hard work must be more proud and satisfying, it will not disappoint. Understanding awareness not to do plagiarism is one step to make us behave and act more honestly and independently.

Thus the speech that I can convey to you, may we be able to take lessons from this speech. I'm sorry if there are any words that are not pleasing in your heart.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


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